Saturday, November 19, 2011

Management of Master Lists in SharePoint with Choice Filter Lookup column

Almost every SharePoint project needs Lookup column. To create each lookup column we need to create separate list. If a requirement comes where developer needs to use master lists for different data then developer needs to create multiple lists which is resource consuming and maintaining multiple list also extra effort required for developer and administrator also. For this type of requirement I have created Choice Filter Lookup column. User can create one choice column in Master list and filter lookup column based on that choice column.

You can download the Source code from here

Current Scenario





MasterConsumerList New or Edit Form

MasterConsumerList View

Now above screen shot shows the real or actual implementation of requirements which generally SharePoint developers and Administrator follow for creating relationship of multiple caregory and reusability.If user want to add one more lookup column then user needs to create one more list for the lookup. The only problem is with above implementation is that it is creating multiple lists which increase the resource utilization and maintainbilty. Now I have tried to resolve the above implementation by creating Choice Lookup filter column. Please refer below screen shots for same implemetation with Choice Lookup filter
  ConsolidateMasterList and ConsolidateMasterListConsumer shows 2 new list for same implementation mentioned above

Consolidated Master List (with new column Category as Choice column with Values {Master1, Master2, Master3, Master4} for differentiate values or for filter values based on category)

Create Column of Choice Filter lookup column (Choose your filter category from the dropdown)

 List Settings view after adding 4 choice filter lookup column

Consolidated Consumer New or Edit Form

Consolidated Consumer List View 2MasterConsumerList View

Happy Coding !!!!!!!!!

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Add Custom Property Panel in Custom WebPart like OOB SharePoint Property Panel via Reflection

Sometime we have a requirement to create custom property in WebPart. But the custom Property will add in “Miscellaneous” section or added in blank section if we add property via custom tool part. Now if you want to create panel like OOB Panel “Layout, Appearance etc.” then use below method.
Below class is static class for enabling extension method on ToolPart class. You need to add below class in your solution and add namespace in your toolpart class where you want to use this method
namespace ExtensionMethods
    public static class CustomExtensions
        public static Panel GetPropertyPanel(this ToolPart currentToolPart, Table table, String sTitle)
            Panel controlPanel = new Panel();
            controlPanel.ID = "propertyPanelHideDisplay";
            controlPanel.Attributes.Add("id", currentToolPart.ClientID + "_" + controlPanel.ID);

            Literal lt = new Literal();
            String sScript = "<script language='javascript'>\n" +
                            " var objDiv = document.getElementById('" + currentToolPart.ClientID + "_" + controlPanel.ID + "');\n" +
                            " objDiv.parentNode.parentNode.parentNode.attributes.removeNamedItem('colspan');\n" +
                            " objDiv.parentNode.parentNode.parentNode.attributes.removeNamedItem('class'); \n" +
            lt.Text = sScript;

            Type type = typeof(SPSite);
            Assembly assembly = type.Assembly;

            var bindingFlags = BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.NonPublic;

            Panel propertyPanel = (Panel)assembly.CreateInstance("Microsoft.SharePoint.WebPartPages.TPPanel", false, bindingFlags, null,
               new object[] { sTitle, controlPanel, true }, null, null);

            return propertyPanel;

Below is the sample class for ToolPart for adding Panel by using above class

using ExtensionMethods;
namespace CustomNameSpace
    class CustomToolpart : ToolPart
        private DropDownList ddlDisplayType;
        protected override void CreateChildControls()

        public override void ApplyChanges()

        private void SendDataToWebPart()
            CustomWebPart customWebPart = (CustomWebPart)this.ParentToolPane.SelectedWebPart;

            // Send the custom text to the Web Part.
            if (ddlDisplayType != null)
                customWebPart.Property = ddlDisplayType.SelectedValue;


        public override void SyncChanges()

        private void SetValues()
            ListItem item = null;
            CustomWebPart customWebPart = (CustomWebPart)this.ParentToolPane.SelectedWebPart;
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(customWebPart.Property))
                item = ddlDisplayType.Items.FindByValue(customWebPart.Property);
                if (item != null)
                    ddlDisplayType.SelectedValue = item.Value;

        public override void CancelChanges()

        protected override void RenderToolPart(System.Web.UI.HtmlTextWriter output)

        public void CreateControls()
            ddlDisplayType = new DropDownList();

            ddlDisplayType.Items.Add("Property 1");
            ddlDisplayType.Items.Add("Property 2");
            ddlDisplayType.Items.Add("Property 3");


        private void AddControls()
            Table table = new Table();
            TableRow tr = new TableRow();
            TableCell td = new TableCell();
            Literal ltStatic = new Literal();

            ltStatic.Text = "Custom Property";
            tr = new TableRow();
            td = new TableCell();

            String sTitle = "Panel Title";
            this.Controls.Add(this.GetPropertyPanel(table, sTitle));

In above class bold line will return Panel and add the Panel in ToolPart Pane. Below is the screen shot for the above implementation

Hope it help !!!!